
Can I get a refund from NicoNico Premium or Channel Membership?

No, you can't.  And if you stop automatic payment, your service will stop immediately.  * PayPal上で自動支払いを解除すると同時に、入会チャンネルも即時退会となります。操作の取り消し等、元に戻すことはできませんので、ご注意ください。 NicoNico Premium: Channel Membership:

What is 源泉徴収税(withholding tax)?

源泉徴収税、英語で: Withholding (tax) Tax withheld pay-as-you-earn ... いくつの言い方がありますか、とりあえず、直接日本語を使いましょう。 How will you be taxed? (Details)

Where can I return my Suica card and change it into cash?

みどりの窓口 and Narita Airport's self-service machine. (Narita Only)

Where can I charge my Suica card?

Railway/Railroad/Train station and Convenience stores. I have only been to Family Mart to charge the Suica card, so I am confident that Family Mart will be able to do it. I wonder whether other convenience stores can charge the Suica card.

Is it difficult for foreigners to work in Japanese convenience stores?

No. Not really. Even if someone tells you to be able to speak a lot of Japanese. But in fact, if you reach the N3 level, there is no problem. But if you are not sure, you can read this blog . This blog introduces how to work in Family Mart. 

Can I use Famipay in Lawson?

Yes, you can. The steps used in other stores are: Launching FamiPay App. Tap the 「ファミリーマート以外で使う」 button. Have the clerk scan the barcode. That's all. But I must say, you can't pay separately. You can only choose one payment method.  At Family Mart, you can use two payment methods (Famipay+Cash) to pay, especially when your balance of Famipay is insufficient. You can check the link below for details. References: ファミペイなのにローソンOK!使える店・メリット・始め方を解説!